Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I See the Bad Moon Arisin'...

As a teacher, there are two things I will always be able to tell without ever looking outside: #1: a full moon and #2 weather changing. It might sound crazy, but you would not believe how much those two things can change the behavior of children (and adults!).  The fact that it's only Wednesday and I'm TOTALLY worn out should just further prove that point. It probably doesn't help that it's the end of April and the kids are just as ready for summer as I am. I feel that I should just print off key phrases  I say all day long and paste them to my clothes so instead of becoming a broken record, I can just point. If you see me at the grocery store with signs like "When you're ready to listen, I'm ready to teach you" or "Does that sentence have a capital letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end?" or "We go to recess at 2:10, why don't you tell me how much longer we have." and my ultimate favorite "No, we do not have P.E. today." taped to my butt, please know it's because the moon is full and I'm up to my ears in children.

On an exciting note, TWO girls I've taught with had a baby yesterday! Little Blaine & Claira joined the world, and I can't wait to meet them both. 

So, until I have time to sit for another 20 minutes, you can be left with the words of Creedence Clearwater Revival...."so don't go out tonight, well it's bound to take your life, there's a bad moon on the rise.

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