Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I would say the hardest thing in the whole world is going to work when your kid is sick. I picked up Harper from the babysitter on Monday with a high fever and drainage from her ear. The poor thing hardly slept on Monday night. With my mom taking her the doctor on Tuesday, I got up for work as usual. Jon had to be out of the house by 6, so the Poo and I were on our own. (Harper's nickname is Harpoo, given to her by her adoring cousin Brock when he mispronounced her name at the hospital when he came to see her. We thought it was so cute, it's been around ever since). She woke up when Jon left and screamed for me to hold her until Mom showed up at 7. It was absolutely heart wrenching. I kept thinking, "What kind of mother am I?" I mean, all she wanted was to be held on the couch and I kept trying to pacify her with other things. I kept telling myself I had to be ready for work, people do this all the time. It didn't make me feel any better. It doesn't matter if I'm leaving her with the sitter or my mom, when she's sick I can't help but feel guilty that I'm leaving her to someone else. I feel very fortunate that I have lots of family around that will keep her, and my babysitter is the most gentle and kind woman, but I still feel guilty.  
I stayed home today, not because I was guilt ridden, but because my allergies are TERRIBLE. I love this weather, but I'm ready for the yellow/green haze to clear. My poor sinuses can't take anymore! On a happier note, thanks to Nurse Nelda (my mother) I bought a Neti Pot. I've been a bit skeptical about these because let's face it, anything that goes in one nostril and out the other just reminds you of the kid at the lunch table who blew milk out of his nose. I was desperate today for anything to make me feel better. I tried it, and much to my surprise, it worked! My sinuses are still a bit congested, but the pressure is gone! I was shocked. It did feel a bit weird to have something going in my nose instead of coming out, but it was well worth it. I highly recommend it. I made Jon try it because his nose has been clogged too. His attempt didn't go so well. I'm gonna blame it on user error. Ha! 
Loaded down with ear drops and Neti Pots, the Binkley's are hopefully on the path to being healthy again.

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