Friday, April 9, 2010

Pampers vs. Luvs

What a week! It's official I have 31 days of school left. All I can say is bring on summer! When I really stop to think about it my life still revolves around school like schedules. Remember when you were in elementary school (or even high school) and the year revolved around summer break and snow days? Well, my perspective about the year hasn't changed! Summer still starts in May and ends in August. Fall consists of decorating pumpkins and snow days are still the best thing a girl could ask for on a cold winter day. 
On another note, this week at the grocery store I had to buy new diapers. We were on low supply and the babysitter was needing a new pack too. Now, for those of you who have spent time with my daughter you know she's an all or nothing kinda girl. I would say 80% of the time she wakes up in the morning with a dry diaper, but not long after her morning "milk" she's filled her britches to the brim. Because of this dilemma, we've had to be very picky about the type of diaper we've used. For Harper, only Pampers will do. We really like a specific kind of Pampers. On my quest to find the "cruisers" I find that a pack of 100 cruisers was literally double the price of the pack of 100 Luvs. My "cheap" side kicked it (which rarely happens) and I become appalled that the diaper company is taking me to the cleaners. After almost a week of using the new cheaper diaper, I have strict instructions from my husband to go back and buy the pampers, he couldn't handle the cheap stuff anymore. Ha! The funniest part is that she hasn't had any accidents, but we keep breaking the tabs off the diapers when we change her. So, here ya go Pampers - take my wallet and run. At least Harper and her purse will have fun with the Luvs box. 

1 comment:

  1. 31 days left- are you serious? AND Harper is so stinkin' cute- it was so fun to see her yesterday at school.
