Tuesday, April 20, 2010


What a weekend! We had such a full weekend, but it reminds me that summer is coming soon and I'm quite excited for that. On Friday night, Jon and I attended the 4th annual "Buck-a-Bone" fundraiser in Jeff City for the Special Learning Center. Last year was our first experience and it was so much fun. We like the Friday night event where all the "amateur" barbecuers try their hand at ribs. We went with our neighbors and friends, Tyler and Abra, and their son Teven. We ate our fair share of ribs and had a great time. 

On Saturday we celebrated April birthdays with Jon's family at a family farm. I think Jon and I are the only two people in his entire family that don't watch the weather channel because all three of us were dressed in shorts and sandals. Basically we were freezing while watching others pile on the layers and bring out the blankets. Don't worry - they all shared. Our Sunday was spent working in the yard. We purchased a definite "fixer". We've replaced all the flooring, have plans to work on the siding and maybe the roof this summer. I feel we are still the "odd duck" on the street, but in time HGTV will have nothing on our skills. ha!

I am under no illusion that life is a picnic. I've been very fortunate in my life to have been blessed with many things. I find that when life throws you a curve ball or you become disappointed in something it's best to stop and think about what you are thankful for. I find comfort in counting my blessings. So here is my abridged version...
I'm thankful for God, my adoring and ever patient husband, my beautiful and healthy daughter, a mother and father who love me deeply, siblings who care for me, an "in law" family that treats me as if the word "in law" wasn't in my title to them, a warm  and safe home to raise my daughter, a job that I truly enjoy, and friends who no matter my mood will hang out with me. I'm feeling better already, if only it were Friday. :-)


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