Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Madness!

It should come as no surprise I've consumed myself in the royal wedding madness. Elliette and I were up at three a.m. watching the all the coverage. Now, granted the baby woke me up to eat, but I probably would have set an alarm if I had not had one in a crib a few feet from my bed. As I'm watching the wedding (for the third time, pathetic I know) a list of things have popped in my head. Some questions, some statements, but I thought - why not write them down. So for your reading pleasure, here is my internal commentary on the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge:

1. Prince William is nearly bald at 28. Poor guy. I wonder if he'll get hair plugs or something.He looks much more handsome with a hat for sure.

2. I now know that Kate was born in January, which makes her a few months older than William.

3. For the longest time the names I had picked out for my "kids" were Will and Kate. So glad I didn't go with that now. not that I still don't like the names. When we first got married, Jon loved the name Cullen for a boy if we ever had one, and I'm glad we didn't use that either because people would assume we used the names for famous figures instead of why we originally picked them.

4. At the end of the ceremony everyone in the church sings the British national anthem "God Save the Queen", two thoughts on this. a - the queen did not sing at all, I wonder why?
b - will their national anthem change to "God Save the King" when Charles takes the throne?

5. I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED Kate's wedding dress. Even if her arms didn't have to be covered I think the dress is still perfect, I loved the lace overlay. So classic and beautiful. Her sister - although just as beautiful, in no way stole the spotlight like some people suggest, Kate was gorgeous!

6. I think American women should wear more hats.

7. I loved the trees in Westminster Abbey. What a beautiful way to decorate such an ornate space.

8. I think I would rather hang out with Harry than William. He seems more down to earth.

9. Every time William salutes, Kate bows her head - I wonder why?

10. The two of them were absolutely beaming when they stepped out on the balcony!

Too fun! I'm glad they got married and gave me something to distract myself with. Thank You Wills and Kate!

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