Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I would like off this ride now, please!

I will begin by saying that God blessed our lives on April 15th, at 2:14 p.m. with the birth of our second daughter, Elliette Hope. My labor was so much better this time around than it was with Harper. I dilated much more quickly, the epidural worked, and her entry to the world was the most peaceful and heart wrenching moment I've had in my life in the last month. I couldn't be more thankful for that moment, I feel truly blessed.

In the days that have followed Elliette's birth I've been a busy, busy girl. Since I had so many complications prior to the birth with what they think might be gallbladder issues, I've been to the doctor many times. Harper was quite the fussy baby, my pediatrician convinced me that nursing was a better route to go this time around. With nursing comes a whole new range of emotions and trials. Thankfully on Monday, Elliette finally gained weight and we don't have to go back to the doctor every other day to weigh her. :) On Monday I also had a CAT scan done to check out all my abdominal organs. My general surgeon is wondering if my gallbladder is to blame in this on slot of never ending pain, she wanted to rule out several things at once. We go back in one week to learn the results. I've told Jon many times that I don't want there to be anything wrong, but I'm tired of living in a medical fog.

This morning, after a rough night with the baby, my mom came over to help Jon and I get some sleep. I woke up a few hours later with serious chills, I was in so much pain, everything hurt. I thought it was just exhaustion, Elle was literally up every 45 mins, shortly after lunch the chills had not gone away, so I decided to take my temp. Unfortunately, I had a really high fever. Jon called our doctor, who made us drive in to see her. After an unexpected afternoon in our OBGYN's office, the conclusion is that I have a uterine infection. My doctor said that since the uterus has so many blood vessels attached to it, infections spread quickly though the body. It's extremely painful. Thankfully I did NOT have to return to the hospital. I swear that place should give us a permanent room. She prescribed antibiotics, that should hopefully clear up my infection soon.

Although we've not made an official decision, all my doctors have told Jon and I that they highly recommend us not having any more children. My little body just can't handle another pregnancy. I know I am very blessed to have a healthy baby girl, I thank God daily for both of my girls. But this roller coaster ride has gone on long enough. I'm ready for it to stop and let me off. I feel like my body is falling apart and as much as I try I can't do anything to make it heal faster. I hope the fog will soon begin to clear and life will resume again as normally as possible.

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