Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Tribute to Granny

Domingo (Sonny) & Eloise Dasal

On  Wednesday night, August 1, my Granny, Eloise Dasal, joined my Papa in heaven. She just turned 92 years old.  This is my tribute to her.

When I started this post, I wanted to outline Granny's life in details. I wanted to share her and my Papa's love story that started in WWII, and their journey of raising six sons. I wrote it all out, line by line. Then I placed my finger on the delete key and held it there for a very long time. In writing my memories of her I got lost in the details, the pieces of colorful thread that wove her life together. When I got to the end, what caused me to hit the delete button was that it wasn't the thread I needed to pay tribute to. It was the beautiful quilt those pieces wove together that deserved all the justice.

Granny was a strong willed, God fearing, southern belle, that stared adversity in the face (often with a hand on her hip). She was proud of who she was and where she came from. She deeply loved her Sonny (my Papa). Her greatest accomplishments came from the lives of her six sons. It was those boys who relished spoiling her, and those boys who, in her frailest moments on earth, held their Mama tight and told her it was OK to let her go.

I know that today was really difficult for many family members, but I realize that today might have been Granny's best in a long time. Today she got to love on Papa, whom she'd been separated from for almost 9 years. She was able to look into her baby girl's eyes for the very first time. Most importantly, today she was able to stand in the presence of God. How much better could it get for her?

Granny you were loved and will be missed by many. I am forever grateful for the woman you chose to be, and am honored to be but a thread in your life quilt. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss... but what a glorious reunion it must have been in Heaven! Praying for strength and peace for you and your family!
