Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day Jitters

If you're not familiar with the book First Day Jitters you should read it. It's a great story for all ages. It is a picture book - I wouldn't want those of you who read my blog and are NOT teachers (there are a few of you!), to hunt it down and be disappointed. 

I started journaling my adventure in my new classroom a couple of weeks ago. Then friends, I left you hangin! How rude of me. These last few weeks have honestly been a whirlwind. New employee training, Granny's funeral, more employee training, open house, and now tomorrow - First Day of School! Yikes! These last few days have been long ones, but I'm just as excited and nervous as our main character in that book First Day Jitters.

I'll be learning right along with my little 2nd graders tomorrow. I'm SUPER excited about my kids, my school, my curriculum, my team, I think it's going to be an awesome year.

Here's a sneak peek of my room as I left it tonight after open house (it's still a tad messy from the crowd). 

Highlights would include my huge bulletin board above the bookshelf. It's titled "Binkley's Learning Pad" and I'm planning on using that space for anchor charts made with my kids during whole group reading instruction. My class library, which says "read it, read it" to go along with my frog theme. The biggest change for me this year - no teacher desk! I'm using my guided reading table to house a few teacher items I might need, other than that what belongs to me, belongs to my kids. We share our space equally! 

Two personal goals this year (well two that I can quantify at the moment) would include: 
1. Mastering my new 2nd grade curriculum - and by mastering I mean knowing my standards as thoroughly as I did my 4th grade ones
2. Beefing up my primary library! My books are all chapter books!

A wise theater mentor once told me that nerves are a positive thing. They keep you on your toes, and keep your mind sharp. Those "first day jitters" have nothing on me. Bring it on 2012-2013 school year - bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great first day!! 2nd grade is so lucky to have you!
