Monday, July 30, 2012

My Little Diva

I finally successfully loaded my little diva's videos. I giggle each time I watch these, and I also tremble slightly in fear because I know what true drama queen we really have.

This first video was taken back in the winter time at our home at the Lake. She is "rocking" out to Strawberry Shortcake's "Sunshine girls". Her dance moves are mimicking the moves on the TV. It's pretty classic.

My favorite part is the robot(ish) dance moves and the quick bite she must take mid dance. This picture was taken the week before Berry Beach. She was "getting ready" for the beach. Yes those are Jon's hunting socks and I have NO idea why she has them on with her swimsuit.

This clip was taken the week we moved. She is singing along to Barbie's Princess and the Pauper.  Her Blanky is serving as her dress and she has on high heels if you can't see them. Not nearly as fun as "Sunshine Girls" but equally entertaining.

Watch out world - here comes Harper!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Classroom - Day 1

First let me say that I don't blog about my classroom. Not that I don't love reading teaching blogs, but let's face it - I'm not that creative. I don't write classroom blogs - I read them! haha! Today was Day 1 in my new classroom. I had moved in all my boxes in June, however I hadn't touched anything since then.  As I walked in today I was completely overwhelmed. There was stuff everywhere!! Since I'm moving to a new grade level I wasn't sure what to keep and what to throw away. Let me give you a sneak peek. 

Later in the day I learned that the teacher who was in this room before me had been in the room for 18 years. Yikes! Like a true veteran teacher - NOTHING went to waste and EVERYTHING was saved. Let's just say I had a lot of work ahead of me. With Harper's help I slowly made my way around the room throwing things away, rearranging, throwing more things away, breaking down boxes, throwing more things away - you get the picture. I've had quite the day. Below is the video just before we left for the day. We still have a LONG way to go, but some progress is better than no progress! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012


When someone experiences a tragedy, life is inevitably categorized into the "before" and "after" moments. The before moments being the tasks at hand that seemed to daunt your day or your week. The small fights you have with your spouse about picking up dirty laundry or washing a dish off in the sink. At the time, it was what consumed your day, your thoughts, even your actions. Then tragedy hits. Now and forevermore you will remember those consuming tasks as miniscule in hindsight. Why didn't I just let the dirty sock roll off my back? Was it really that big of a deal to have two dirty dishes in the sink? Did I remember to say "I Love You" before he walked out the door? Now life is looked at as the after moments. You can't help but compare the two lives as they drastically differ from  each other.

Yesterday my sweet, loving 51 year old cousin Jeff died of a brain aneurism. To say that I'm heartbroken is an under statement. Jeff was more like an uncle to me than a cousin - he was the oldest grandchild and I am the youngest. I'm having a hard time processing the fact he's gone. It just doesn't seem possible. I'm heartbroken for my Uncle Don and Aunt June, who are having to take on the task of burying their son. I'm heartbroken for Diana, his only sister, who was so close to him. I'm heartbroken for his wife Susan, who loved him dearly and enriched his life. I'm heartbroken for my parents, who loved and treated Jeff as a son. I'm especially heartbroken for his sons, who will now pass every milestone with their dad as a memory. It doesn't seem fair, it doesn't seem possible. 

If anyone knew Jeff, they knew that he was one of the best storytellers out there. He could get a laugh out of anyone - he truly enjoyed it. I know that my Uncle Moose, Janetta and especially my Grandma Ruby welcomed Jeff with loving arms yesterday. He's probably got them on the floor rolling in laughter. Until I see you again Jeff - I love you!

Jeff Lincoln

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Parenting 101

I took a child development class in college where a very wise professor told us that before people have children they make a "mental" list of all the things they'll never do as parents. Then once they have kids they mentally check off each item on the list as they do them. For example: My kids will never eat macaroni and cheese with hotdogs for dinner, speed ahead 5 years and as I'm grilling hotdogs I mentally check off that item. Or, I won't allow my children to be that loud at a restaurant -- 5 years later I'm bribing my kids with horrendous things like ice cream to not scream or say "poop" so loud that the next table wants their food to go. The "list" could go on.

Look at that expression. Her eyes could tell a lifetime of stories and she's only 3. I've been reading blogs and trying to research best practice strategies for handling children with a "strong personality". Everyone tells me that it's such a blessing she's so adamant in her way, that she will stand her ground and  not sway to peer pressure. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around that. Harper is extremely verbal, probably past her age in speech which makes discipline hard. I'm not sure she cognitively understands what she says or how she acts. It's a fine line I'm trying desperately to learn. I'm truly hoping that I'm doing all I can to teach her she can always express her true feelings to me, while guarding her tongue with others.