Thursday, June 28, 2012

Food Take II

So when I started this blogpost last week I wanted to post some videos from my phone of some of Harper's diva moments. But it won't load so I know I must be doing something wrong. I can't quite figure it out. If you know the secret - let me know! You won't want to miss my Little Diva's rendition of Strawberry Shortcake's "Sunshine Girls" or Barbie's "Free to be Me".  Trust me.

Since I couldn't quite get the videos loaded I thought I would take another stab at describing my food challenges. I don't feel that I gave my last post justice. After 6 months of eating this way I must say that my challenges really aren't as bad anymore. Now that I'm familiar with what I can and can't eat I don't spend as much time online looking up menus or at the grocery store looking at labels. Most of our staple meals like tacos, sloppy joes, spaghetti and even burgers I have found an alternative that works for me.

Like I said in my last post, we don't really eat any red meat or pork in our house. Jon still fries bacon occasionally or will buy ground beef to make himself a burger, but you won't find it stockpiled in our freezer like it used to be. I've substituted ground beef with ground chicken or ground turkey breast. Even ground buffalo works! Then it's all about finding lower fat alternatives and portion control. For instance, I buy the heart healthy spaghetti sauce and whole grain spaghetti noodles, and allow my self more noodles and less sauce. We don't get the yummy garlic cheese bread, but instead I toast whole wheat bread and lightly season with garlic powder. Summer time has been easier for eating healthy because the produce is so fresh and abundant.

Now let's talk sweets. Anyone that knows me knows my sweet tooth is hard core. I miss butter, cream and ice cream for sure. However I've found some amazing frozen yogurt that satisfies my sweet tooth! Plus the sweetness of fruit has truly helped. Fat free whipped topping mixed with fat free yogurt and then topped on fat free angel food cake is a favorite! The 100 calorie pack cookies also help satisfy that sweet craving with out going over my 5g fat limit on a snack. If I cheat - it's usually with sweets though. Sometimes you just can't say no! :)

I know you must be thinking "but isn't that hard?" The answer - yep. I have to make a conscious effort to stay positive. It doesn't always work. At first, after we would attend a function that had nothing on the menu I could eat, I would literally cry as soon as we got in the car. Please don't misunderstand I was in no way upset at the host or hostess. It was by no means their fault that I have to eat a certain way and it's expensive to boot! But it was just an overwhelming sadness I couldn't get past at first. I sorta understand all those talk show hosts when they talk about food being a drug. Now it's not as bad. I've had some time to get off the drug and watching people eat my favorite things isn't hard or sad anymore. Jon is so great too - he'll try anything! I know it's been hard for him too, but he would never tell me that. I distinctly remember when I was in the hospital shortly before I had Elli that they decided I would be on liquids only for the two weeks until I could be induced. I instantly started crying and Jon instantly looked me in the eye and said "I'll do this with you, you won't be alone - it's going to be OK". From that point on - I knew no matter what my crazy diet was, he was on board. I know he secretly LOVES going to eat someplace other than home though so he can "eat for both of us" haha!

So the Food Saga continues - but it has taken a slightly positive twist! And if you do know how to get past the whole not loading video thing - be sure to let me know!


  1. Have you tried spaghetti squash? It's surprisingly delicious!!

  2. hm - it sounds good - but complicated. Have you blogged about making it?

  3. I always email the videos to myself and then save them on my hard drive... and then they just load. Have you tried this? AND I think Jordon should have us over for spaghetti squash one night :-)
