Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Tale of Two Cities

In true Kali form I thought it would be very fitting to list all the wonderful things about our new home and town and all the things I would miss about the Lake. Now, I know I can't list everything, so consider this the abridged version. 

Our home at the lake (this was taken in January)

Things I'll miss:
  • My friends and family (I already miss calling Diane to hang at the pool all afternoon)
  • Hy-Vee and Target being literally down the road. Although it might be a nice break for my wallet.
  • My neighbors - I had some of the best neighbors at the lake. I haven't met any neighbors in Jeff City yet, but I doubt any of them will spend all day trying to coax my cat out of tree.
  • Starbucks Drive Through. I'm going to miss Starbucks in general. Now I know my low fat diet doesn't allow much from there. 
  • All the little dives and restaurants on the water. We didn't always hit them up because let's face it eating out with two kids stopped being fun a long time ago, but the options were nice.
  • My babysitter Robin. She is just an amazing lady - I couldn't have asked for a better woman to love my girls everyday.
Things I won't miss:
  • Tourists - don't misunderstand tourists are great for the lake area, but let's be real I hate waiting.
  • Road Work and having to manage around lake traffic with all the road work. I was super thankful to have had Elli around the beginning of tourist season last year. I was afraid for my life! 
  • Not having High Speed Internet - it really should be illegal.
  • My gravel road - I haven't washed my car in a week - and it ISN'T covered in dust!!!
  • Being an hour away from Sunday Night Dinner at Jon's moms. I love Sunday dinner - but leaving at 8:15 and getting home at 9:15 before the week begins is just rough! Now we're five minutes away. 
  • Being an hour away from all our doctors and the hospital. Taking the girls to the doctor was an all day affair before - not anymore!

This is the real estate picture of our new house

Things I'm excited about:
  • Reconnecting with friends - I've missed you guys!
  • Having space in our new home. The girls have an entire room for their toys. AND the room has a door. People coming over? No more rushing around to pick up the Barbie dolls and puzzle pieces, I just have to shut the door!
  • Thursday Night Live - haven't gone yet, but I hear it's fun. It's on the agenda next week.
  • HIGH SPEED INTERNET! Come on - when's the last time I blogged twice in one week?! 
  • A Laundry Room - not a closet an actual room with a door. Just like the toy room I can simply shut the door.
  • Being closer to Columbia - shopping, Mizzou Tigers, and more friends to reconnect with.
  • Did I mention we are three minutes from the Suthoffs? Harper is super excited to be so close to her cousins.
As soon as I am out of boxes I'll try and post more pictures of the inside. Until the next time.


  1. I love the increase in blogging... and LOVE the new house! What's Thursday Night Live? Sounds interesting... can't wait to visit (and I am super, duper, jealous about the laundry room... heck, I was super duper jealous about the laundry closet but you have seen mine so you know why).

  2. So - didn't make it last night, but from what I understand Thursday Night Live is similar to Hot Summer Nights - minus the car show. Next week I hear it's a beach theme so they dump sand in the streets for little kids to play in. We are for sure checking that out! I miss you Jill!!
