Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring is here!

It's been far too long my friends. Things around here have been crazy busy, as usual. Our littleElli Hope will be a year old in one month and I can't believe it! She is into everything these days. It's amazing how my two girls seem to be polar opposites. If I thought having the same gender was going to be a repeat, I was wrong. Harper is full of energy and craves the attention.

Elli loves to play quietly. As long as she is dry, and fed - she's pretty happy. Watching the two of them interact is quite adorable if I do say so myself.

Harper will begin preschool in the fall. I can't believe that's possible but it's true! She asks about going to school almost daily and tells me all the time how she can't wait to ride her school bus. As a teacher I already see signs of trouble - but I'm sure she will have a blast making it! The mild winter has been a welcomed treat this year compared to last year. We've only had a total of three snow days and have already made up one! I'm looking forward to time off with my two favorite girls.

This winter has been busy with birthdays and retirements. We love to celebrate with people! This photo is of Aunt Tina with Abbi and Harper at Mamo's retirement party. Those two girls are going to be great friends I just know it.

We celebrated Aiden's third birthday in February as well with a Super Why themed party that even had a performance from Super Why! What a fun celebration that was. Harper even cooperated by only helping Aiden open one of his gifts. ha!

In the next few months we are looking forward to celebrating Elli's birthday, along with a few others. My brother-in-law will be 40 next week, my dad will be 60 in May and my parents will celebrate 40 years of wedded bliss in August. What a year! I hope this wonderful weather has treated you well. I'm looking forward to all the fun of summer ahead!

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