Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Dayz

One of the beautiful perks of being a school teacher are the snow days. I'm just like a kid every time the weather gets a little dicey. I'm watching the weather forecast, I'm watching facebook for updates, and glued to local TV like it's crack cocaine, it's kinda ridiculous. That little feeling you get when you see your district's name pop up on the screen with "closed" is oh so satisfying. Yep - even as a teacher the news (or facebook) has the most recent updates. The automated system they use to inform teachers and parents works - but is SLOW.

We were dismissed early on Monday (due to nasty road conditions) and out yesterday and today again. We live on a gravel road that has what I would call a "bowl" of a hill at the very beginning. To make matters worse, the highway our gravel road is off of is seriously the last road in the county to get attention. So when it snows or ices, we are literally stuck at home. Even our 4 wheel drive vehicle might prove to be useless on our road. Of course Jon would totally disagree with me, but something about getting my 2 year old out in this weather (and me being pregnant) just seems silly. I say all that to relay that right now, even though I'm thoroughly enjoying being in my fat pants, I've got a bit of cabin fever. I had strict instructions from Jon that I was NOT to rearrange any furniture in the house by myself - there went setting up the nursery plans. I really can't start going through Harper's clothes until I get the furniture arranged because it would just be in the way. My laundry is caught up, my grading is finished, my house is as clean as Harper will allow it to be for being home all day, and I have every episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Dora the Explorer now memorized. To keep my spirits up, and my fat butt out of the kitchen I've decided to make a list of the reasons I love snow days. Enjoy!

10. Sleeping in on a cold winter day

9. Making a huge breakfast because you have nothing better to do

8. Eating all day long because you have nothing better to do

7. Spending 30 minutes bundling up yourself and your daughter for 10 minutes of play time in the frigid weather

6. Warm cookies and hot cocoa after it takes you 30 minutes to UN-bundle yourself and your daughter from the 10 minutes of play time in the frigid weather

5. Naps, they remind me of my college days

4. Getting to take apart and put together the same Mickey Mouse puzzle 56 times in a row. That may sound sarcastic, but it's not. It makes me laugh every time when we put the last piece in place and her little face lights up like she just solved a world crisis.

3. Catching up on a good book. In my case I've re-read a couple of books in the last few days

2. Having time to think about what you're going to make for dinner


1. Getting to go to the bathroom when ever you feel like it! Trust me, when you're pregnant and you get exactly two times a day to pee - getting to go whenever you want is like icing on the cake!

Stay Warm!

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