Friday, January 7, 2011

The Binkley... GIRLS!

I broke down, I decided to find out if our new addition was going to be a bundle of blue or pink. After we dropped off Harper at Mamo's (Jon's mom) and started our haul to Columbia, Jon looked over and said "Ok, you're time for debate is up, what's it going to be?". The overwhelming curiosity got the best of me. Armed with a decision we made it to the specialist office.

The tech was super nice. You could tell she was really experienced. After a round of questions I finally laid down on the table and told her "Yes, I want to know if you can see the sex." I'm pretty sure she could tell I was hesitant because she asked me at least two more times if I really wanted to know! She began the daunting task of measuring all the bones, checking the arteries and all the other good things you get to see. I absolutely LOVE watching the baby for so long! It's such a treat to get to see the baby move on the TV screen as you feel it move in your belly. Most of the time when you get that tight stretching pain or sharp jab you have no idea if it's a foot or an arm (at least I don't). It's super cool to see which parts are actually where inside their little cocoons. After all the measuring was finished she still hadn't given us a clue about boy or girl.

When we had our ultrasound with Harper she laid her parts out first thing so it was the first thing the tech told us. We sat in the room for what seemed like hours and still hadn't heard. She finally told us the baby's legs were closed and it's butt was tucked down into my side. So after our echo with the doctor, she would take one last look before we left, but she wasn't comfortable giving us a definite answer. I told Jon "Maybe the baby is making my decision for me!" She left the room and Jon proceeded to give the baby a "pep talk" to entice it to move so he could know.

Our specialist came in and looked at the heart. Examining all four chambers from all kinds of views and then watching the blood flow to make sure it was all working properly (it was, thankfully). When he finished the tech told him she couldn't get a definite on boy or girl. He told us that he was a "baby chaser" and he would find out. After a few seconds he asked, "This is your second pregnancy, what do you have now?" After telling him we had a little girl he said "Well, looks like you're getting another one!". He then had to point out her lady parts to me. I swear no matter how long I look at an ultrasound I still get confused. ha! The baby moved her little legs apart just enough to show us!

We are so happy about not only adding another girl but that she is healthy and measuring right on track. We are so blessed! Baby Elliette is still scheduled to arrive around May 1.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet her!!! AND am so, so glad you guys found out- I am not sure I could have handled not knowing, ha!
