Monday, November 29, 2010

Are you there Blog? It's me, Kali

I've done it again. I'm beginning to wonder if the blogging world is for me anymore. It's hard to keep up! I feel now that the first trimester "fog" has cleared I'm feeling much more like myself.

Our little family is doing just great! We are really busy with the holidays fast approaching. I'm so excited to see Harper at Christmas this year. I think she'll really love all the excitement that Christmas brings. It's hard to believe she's going to be 2 in a few weeks! Time really does fly.

The baby is doing just great too. We are so blessed. I've noticed him/her moving quite a bit in the last few weeks. What I think is really cool is that I feel the baby the most when Harper is on my lap. It seems like the baby can sense she's near. That might just be my hormones taking over, but I can feel that way for now without feeling silly. haha!

We put up our Christmas tree over the weekend and Harper was so excited. We took some video of her helping decorate. Each time she rounds the corner and sees the tree she says "Oh goodness, pretty!"

It definitely is time for me to stop and be thankful for all I've been given in life. I was going to try and list the top 10, but I don't know if I could narrow my list down that much. I hope that you and your family are feeling as blessed as I am these days. I promise to become more diligent about blogging too!

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