Monday, July 26, 2010

Silent Kisses

When Harper decides to give kisses she makes this "MMM, MUAH" sound, I guess imitating what we do when we give her kisses. Super cute if you ask me. Well the other morning as Jon was getting ready Harper ended up in bed with me. She is normally a late sleeper (thankfully!) but her dad wasn't being the most quiet person. Needless to say she started stirring at like 7:00 - which in summer is NOT an acceptable time to be awake, haha. In my attempt to keep her asleep I kept my eyes closed. The next thing I know she is whispering her "MMM, MUAH" and giving me kisses. It just might have been the sweetest thing I've ever had happen to me. The best part was that she was whispering so she didn't want to wake me up by giving me loud kisses. I don't know what else a mom could ask for!

1 comment:

  1. That's cute. Polo does the same thing, but it's more like "mmm, sldjksadlfj!?!?" haha...
