Monday, July 12, 2010

Freak of Nature

Our little piece of the pie was riveted by hail yesterday afternoon. What a mess!! Jon and I loaded up our car for our weekly trek to Jeff City to eat with his parents, we made it about 20 minutes down the road and we hear on the radio all kinds of storm warnings. In this part of the country in late summer is not really unusual. We make it to Jeff and about two hours later a good friend of mine (who has family in our neighborhood) called to tell us the bad news. Softball size hail rained down on our neighborhood. Thankfully Valerie and Robbie boarded up our windows and shut off our electric! (our A/C was also badly damaged and extremely hot!)

The damage was pretty extensive. On our house our BRAND NEW SIDING is ruined. Our guest bedroom window was shattered, our gutters, roof, deck, BBQ grill, are all ruined. Not to mention my car was in the driveway so it has extensive hail damage along with both tail lights being busted out and my side mirror is shattered! Our well house siding is destroyed. We were pretty lucky, several other cars in the neighborhood were close to being totaled and had much more extensive damage to their homes and boats. The only positive out of this (other than no one being hurt) was that we hadn't put on a new roof yet. Oh the joys of Missouri weather! Once I get the photos from our camera I will post them.

On the lines of being a freak of nature - apparently I am one! A few weeks ago after seeing our new fertility specialist my blood work came back out of whack. My testosterone levels were extremely elevated. In fact my doctor's words were "you're more of a man than I am" (he was joking of course). In fact my levels were supposed to be around 50 and mine were just under 350. We went back last week to have them rechecked and they weren't quite as high, but still in the 290's. He was shocked that I don't have a full beard (haha!) For those of you who knew me a few years ago I was affectionally referred to as the "Caucasian Asian" because I have more Caucasian blood than Asian. Well kids THANK GOD for the asian blood because he said without it my facial hair growth would be through the roof! I knew I ate rice for a reason! haha!

The conclusion is that I have a rare tumor in my ovary that is secreting all the extra testosterone making conception even more difficult. My surgery is scheduled next week for them to go in and not only get rid of the scar tissue from the endometriosis but also remove the tumor from my ovary. You should have seen my doc, he was like a kid in a candy store! He had his whole staff in my internal ultrasound showing them because according to him this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see. He even shared that he would be presenting my case to gynecological board of some sort, to which my reply was "Are you at least going to buy me dinner first?" I kid - of course - he has been very supportive and professional throughout our time with him, but doesn't help but feel like you are a freak of nature - Jon says I'm one of a kind. I think he's just sucking up because for the next week or so, I can say I'm more of a man! :-)

SO - all joking matters aside nature has not been our friend in the last month. But don't you worry, we will fix all that's broken and be back to normal in no time. If you could call us normal to begin with :-)

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