Monday, December 3, 2012

THE .... FLU...

Flu: 3 Binkleys:1

Jon, Elli and I all got the flu. It's miserable. A 20 month old child with the flu is possibly THE worst parental experience. Well OK now that I'm pondering it - it's probably not that bad, but in the moment it was horrible. She can't tell me she's sick, until the vomit is all over me. She wakes up puking, then we have to clean the bed. She wants chocolate milk so badly, and you so badly want to throw it out the window because of the smell. The only thing worse than a 20 month old with the flu? BOTH adults in the house also have the flu. She pukes, I puke, Jon pukes. It's a vicious cycle. 

We've been puke free for almost 24 hours (everyone knock on wood). My headache is now a dull pain rather than the pounding tribal drum that it's been the last 12 hours. I was even able to tolerate a little sunlight today. 

Harper has won the prize as the only Binkley not knocked out from this horrid experience. A HUGE thanks to Mamo Denise who took Harper and kept her while the three of us curled up in misery together.  This marks the first time in MANY years that either Jon or I have gotten the flu (because we admittedly refuse the flu shot) but it is important to note that Elli had her flu shot last week. Coincidence? I say no...


  1. Oh no!!! We have a flu outbreak in 5th grade right now. Several of us have been without 6-8 kids! I'm crossing my fingers to NOT get the flu shot was a good idea. Yikes!

  2. I heard you all were sickies... no fun at all. AND for the record, while I did have to get a flu shot this year, I normally like to "live life on the wild side" and take my chances with the flu rather than get a shot! Glad you are better!!!
