Wednesday, March 2, 2011

eMINTS, Updates and Nesting!

Last week my 4th grade team was very fortunate to get to attend the eMINTS Winter Conference in Columbia. We were able to attend all three days -which is incredible considering there are 7 sections of 4th grade and we were all gone for three days in a row! Being gone does have it's downfalls though. Sub plans are just so much work!! When you literally have to write down everything (and I mean everything) you do for three days in a row, it takes some time and organization. How did I make it 8 weeks? The thought of doing plans for 4 weeks right now seems daunting and overwhelming! We had a great time and learned so much. I secretly love going to these conferences because as a teacher you rarely get to hear of all the things other people are doing in their classrooms. It's such a treat to get to network! Plus - you get more than 25 minutes to eat lunch! :)

Baby Elliette is still growing! We had an ultrasound on Monday (we get one every 4 weeks now!) and her growth is normal. I'm a little freaked out at the moment because according to the ultrasound she is weighing in at a whooping 4.5 pounds (that's the 85th percentile people)! I fully plan on letting my doctor know that I will NOT push out a 10 pound baby. I know ultrasounds can be pretty inaccurate too, so I'm praying that she's not too big! The gallbladder is still flaring up every now and then when I eat a little too much fat or something tomato based. Most of the time I'm just really nauseous so the not eating doesn't bother me too much. My insulin levels have stayed in the ranges they've told me to keep them in (minus a few random flukes that left me in a tizzy, but all seems to be back to normal). My doctor did agree to induce me at 39 weeks (April 25) if I don't have her before then. Mainly because I think she knows how miserable I am. ha!

I've definitely started nesting. Maybe a better term for it would be FREAKING OUT. I feel like there is still so much to do before the new baby is here and I just can't seem to find the time to do it! I'm still on the hunt for bedding, and we really need to go through Harper's clothes and weed them out. I keep telling myself "someday" but pretty soon I'm going to be in labor and Jon's going to be digging the baby mattress out of the attic!

I hope the next few weeks bring a little less crazy in our lives, hopefully we can get some rest before this train takes us on the newborn ride all over again! What were we thinking?

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