Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Changes!

I'll be honest. I've been waiting (oh so patiently) for Jon to "sync" his phone with our computer so I could get photos from it, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. So without the ADORABLE (thanks Jon) pictures we've taken I'm so ecstatic to announce the Binkley family is growing from 3 to 4!!

We were so happy to find out our new addition (and thankfully there is just one!) will be arriving around May 1st. I'm convinced I'm having another girl because I'm having the same pregnancy I had with Harper. Right at week 6 I started getting sick and I haven't felt good since (we are now at week 10). My dad is a baby guessing guru. He's only guessed the wrong sex twice in the last 30 years or so. He says it's a boy, but I think his judgement is clouded. After all one of the "wrong" guesses was my sister-in-law.

Jon and I are on the fence about finding out if it's a boy or girl. Ok when I say Jon and I, I really mean me. He wants to know, I kinda want to wait. I know the organized freak in me won't allow such a thing. The fact he wants to know and I don't means swaying my decisions will be really easy. But I have another couple of months to convince myself otherwise.

Other than the sickness I'm experiencing typical first trimester symptoms. I take myself from my car to my couch and hardly get up once I'm home. For all you out there that did not experience "a strong sense of smell" consider yourself blessed. I can smell anything and everything. My laundry detergent makes me want to gag, and I love the smell of fresh cotton. Jon has been great about changing all the dirty diapers, doing his best to keep up with the laundry and finding his own food (because Lord knows I gave up cooking weeks ago). I will say thank God for my mother, as much as a your husband tries, no one cleans your house and does your laundry like your mama. I should remember this when Harper is lying on her butt, knocked up and feeling worthless. :)

So Big (and I do mean big in the sense my pants are now tight) changes are in store for our small family and we couldn't be more thankful and excited. Updates will surely follow along with those adorable pictures once Jon sync his phone.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ok, I got a little excited with the !'s... but whatev..)
    I need to call you asap!!
