Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon has this line about endorphins. Basically saying the client she is "defending" couldn't have killed her husband because she was a workout guru. You girls know what line I'm referring to right? "Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don't kill their husbands!" I was thinking about endorphins this morning as I was trying hard not to throw up.

I don't think I've ever felt endorphins from working out. Maybe it has something to do with the fact God left out the athletic gene in my make up. I've tried to be better at exercising but I always fail. To be honest I think all the Jillian Micheals in the world are kinda full of it because I've never gotten this rise of hormones that make me feel good about myself after sweating my butt off for an hour (Ok, I can't lie - 25 minutes). It got me thinking, there are other things in life that must release endorphins. I've come up with my top ten list.

10. Free Childcare : There is nothing better than having some time to yourself - for free!
9. Sleeping in - I love waking up when the sun is up. Just makes my day.
8. Someone else cleaning my house or doing my laundry - enough said.
7. Jon putting gas in my car - I hate doing this, I love when he takes my car and does it for me.
6. Eating Ice Cream - Mint Chocolate Chip is sounding especially tasty right now.
5. Eating in general (when I'm not pregnant) - I miss food.
4. The last day of school - See Ya Later - Oh wait - nope I won't! haha
3. Buying accessories - shoes, purses and jewelry all fit in this category. It must be a girl thing.
2. Christmas Music - belting "Oh Holy Night" with Mariah Carey brings joy to my heart.
1. Getting my hair done - I love when they take 15 minutes to scrub my scalp, she must know I tip better to good scalp scrubbers.

After reviewing my list I think I've got something on Jillian - screw running, pass the mint chocolate chip!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I find it absolutely adorable that my daughter calls her dad by his first name. She just kinda started this weekend, but it's so funny! When she wants his attention instead of saying "daddy" she now yells "Jon! Jon! Jon" until he acknowledges her.

When I picked her up this afternoon from the babysitter, she turned her little head up to me and said "Where's Jon?" I told him he should just be happy she's thinking about him. He tells me she only yells his name because I yell at him too much.

Either way - I laugh every time she does it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Big Changes!

I'll be honest. I've been waiting (oh so patiently) for Jon to "sync" his phone with our computer so I could get photos from it, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. So without the ADORABLE (thanks Jon) pictures we've taken I'm so ecstatic to announce the Binkley family is growing from 3 to 4!!

We were so happy to find out our new addition (and thankfully there is just one!) will be arriving around May 1st. I'm convinced I'm having another girl because I'm having the same pregnancy I had with Harper. Right at week 6 I started getting sick and I haven't felt good since (we are now at week 10). My dad is a baby guessing guru. He's only guessed the wrong sex twice in the last 30 years or so. He says it's a boy, but I think his judgement is clouded. After all one of the "wrong" guesses was my sister-in-law.

Jon and I are on the fence about finding out if it's a boy or girl. Ok when I say Jon and I, I really mean me. He wants to know, I kinda want to wait. I know the organized freak in me won't allow such a thing. The fact he wants to know and I don't means swaying my decisions will be really easy. But I have another couple of months to convince myself otherwise.

Other than the sickness I'm experiencing typical first trimester symptoms. I take myself from my car to my couch and hardly get up once I'm home. For all you out there that did not experience "a strong sense of smell" consider yourself blessed. I can smell anything and everything. My laundry detergent makes me want to gag, and I love the smell of fresh cotton. Jon has been great about changing all the dirty diapers, doing his best to keep up with the laundry and finding his own food (because Lord knows I gave up cooking weeks ago). I will say thank God for my mother, as much as a your husband tries, no one cleans your house and does your laundry like your mama. I should remember this when Harper is lying on her butt, knocked up and feeling worthless. :)

So Big (and I do mean big in the sense my pants are now tight) changes are in store for our small family and we couldn't be more thankful and excited. Updates will surely follow along with those adorable pictures once Jon sync his phone.