Monday, September 30, 2013

Reasons I think it's a Girl....

Tomorrow is a big day! It's our 20 week ultrasound, where we'll (hopefully!) get to find out if this little nugget - well if you've seen me lately probably more like a little basketball-  is a boy or a girl. In my humble opinion the ultrasound is just a formality because I've known for weeks it's a girl. So on the eve of the big reveal I thought I'd share with you the reasons I THINK it's a girl!

10. All three pregnancies have started the same. I started feeling queasy around week 6. With Harper I threw up until week 15, with Elliette until week 12. Didn't actually throw up with this one, but felt like it 100% of the time until week 9.

9. My sister has three boys, my brother has one of each, Jon and I could even the score with three girls. I like when things are symmetrical and even, ha!

8. Everything baby that we still own (which let's be honest isn't much) is Pink. Seriously.

7. Our toy room has pink polka dots and shaggy pink rugs, and totes of glitter (pink glitter).

6.  Everything happens in threes right? Why not three girls?

5. Jon is already being punished with three women in the house, why not make it 4? Put yourself in his shoes in about 10 years. You can provide him with comfort later.

4. I would be a total mess at changing a boy's diaper.

3. Mother's intuition?

2.  Remember my comment about liking things even and symmetrical? Well I needed to round out the list.

And the #1 reason I think it's a girl???

1. We haven't been able to come up with one single GIRL baby name!

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! So great! I can't wait to hear if Baby Binkley is a girl or boy!!
