Thursday, August 15, 2013

Crazy and Beautiful

Well the potty training post didn't happen, oops. I had great intentions, but I got carried away with life - as usual. It's really hard to maintain a blog and be a mommy and a teacher. What was I thinking? 

If you've ever taken the time to read the short "description" of my blog, I mention that this blog is supposed to create a snapshot of our crazy and beautiful life. Lately, that description fits our life perfectly. On Sunday, Aug. 11 my brother-in-law (Jon's sister's hubby) was helping a friend at his farm. He was in a tree stand approximately 12 feet up, when he lost his balance. As a result, he suffered a spinal cord injury changing life forever. That quick. Crazy. Tragic. Life changing. At this point you may be wondering, where's the beauty? Well, in this instance the beauty comes from within Kurt. It's been amazing to watch and hear stories of his attitude and determination during this entire week. The pain he's endured, the questions, the tears, the good news, the bad news, the tests. To be honest - I'm in awe. I could never imagine handling such a life changing event with such strength, and grace. Since surgery, he has had two therapy sessions. One which allowed him to sit up, and the other which allowed him to move from the bed to the wheel chair. He's doing an awesome job.

Kurt, my heart is broken for the loss that you've suffered this week. You should know that for every visitor that has walked through your door this week, there are 25 more people at home that can't wait to see your face and hug your neck. You should know that Jon and I have heard of people and churches praying for you all over the state. You should know that I am exceptionally proud of you. When my girls need a living example of determination, hard work and positive thinking, I'm so happy they have you to look up to. 

As an entire family, our reality has changed. It's crazy, and it's beautiful. 

**If you'd like to follow Kurt progress you can visit their Caring Bridge site - you will have to create a free account and login:

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