Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I find that my creative juices flow as soon as my head hits the pillow. I don't know why, it's like my brain dumps my day and out come all these fabulous ideas that have been shoved in the back. I usually think, "I should write that down", but I never do. Tonight I started thinking about all the things in life I know to be truths. They seemed trivial, but instead of just remembering them I thought I should write them down.

Truth: I haven't taken any sort of narcotic for pain in the past two days. It's been a long struggle with my gallbladder and the medical world. I'm happy to think that it could be over. I haven't been back to sort out all the details for my post-op but I'm ready to put this behind me.

Truth: After two surgical procedures for endometriosis,fertility treatments, two births and now the removal of an organ, I feel Jon should seriously consider a vasectomy. I'm just throwing that out there.

Truth: School systems are just screwy. I think teachers are blamed for a lot of stuff that's not entirely their fault. I agree that in my profession I should have a standard to be held to. I think educating a young mind is a fragile process that should be handled with care. However, I am not their parent, and if the parent isn't parenting, that's not my fault. Don't blame me for degenerate children that don't respect themselves. Let's blame the thousands of worthless people who are doing NOTHING for the betterment of their child. Let's blame those who verbally do not lift up their children every day like they should. Forget material things, LOVE YOUR KID! Then, just then, I might be able to do my JOB of EDUCATING your child. Whew - that one came from way back and had been pent up for too long. Sorry.

Truth: I do not care much about politics. For the sake of being a responsible adult I will read the news, but to be honest I usually skim the headlines, and go straight to the entertainment section. I deal with children arguing everyday, why would I want to read about big children arguing?! To be completely honest (and sorry mom) I don't have room in my brain for their bull sh*t. I have better things to do with my time.

Truth: I secretly want to work in the medical profession. I'm not intelligent enough for it, but I think it would be super entertaining.

Truth: Our air conditioner bit the dust yesterday, thankfully a great friend came to the rescue and got a new one installed today. As I sit in my COOLED house - I could not be more thankful for Willis Haviland Carrier, the inventor of COOL.

Truth: Hearing Harper and Elliette giggle makes me laugh. Harper sat in bed tonight and just giggled and giggled, finally we had to take some deep breaths because the two of us were laughing at nothing, it was the best!

Truth: Watching a show with someone via text message is actually better than watching it with them in person.

Truth: I miss singing in a choir, I should find the time to do that. Heck, I should just find time in general.

Truth: For the first time in 5 years, I'm not excited about going back to work next week.

Truth: I love a good hot pink pen, not red, not black or blue. HOT pink. One that shows up like red, but has that hint of raspberry. Seriously, who wouldn't want to read something written in HOT pink?

Truth: My brain is now empty, and my eyes are slowing starting to fall. Thanks for listening to tonight's brain dump!

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