Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Confessions of a Teacher & Mommy

When I woke up this morning it was raining. First thing in my mind? Indoor recess. These are the kinds of things you think about when you are a teacher & a mommy. At least that's what I think about. I know my days are not any different than any other teacher mommy out there, but today was so full I just decided to write them down for your comic relief. Enjoy on my behalf.

#1. When it rains that means that my kids and I get 20 mins to scarf down our lunch and get out of the cafeteria so the next group can come in to eat. It also means that from 12:10 to 2:55 all 23 of us are in one room together. My room was quite stinky and messy by 3:00. To add to tall that excitement I can tell you I did not sit down except for the 50 minutes I had at the end of the day filling out a survey with my co workers and I only got to pee once. For a lady who is 25 weeks pregnant, that takes talent.

#2. There are so many moments in my teaching career where a concept or strategy "clicked" with a kid and the light of inspiration came to their eyes, making all my song and dance worth it. Today was not one of those days. We learned how to do subtraction story problems, I could've taught the strategies while standing on my head with a clown nose on and I'm pretty sure I still would've gotten the blank stares I got today. No worries, we'll try again tomorrow.

#3. When I picked up my munchkin from the babysitter today, she screamed the entire 17 minutes home. Why you might ask? Oh she didn't like her car seat, she wanted to sit in the empty seat next to her. I turned up the radio and sang as loud as I could. Just incase you're curious -- I was singing along with Mariah Carey to "Oh Holy Night" because I love Christmas music.

#4. After dinner I decided I needed a few quiet minutes to myself to unwind from our indoor recess day. So I locked myself in the bathroom for a quick bath. During that time I played the "rhyme game" with Harper who sat outside the door shouting at me the entire time. I also listened to Elliette tell her dad "I pooped" and "get me wipes!" and "I no sit on the potty!" followed by Harper shouting to me through the door, "Elliette doesn't have any clothes on!" I drained the water and got right back out.

#5. Harper is loving to read, which makes my teacher heart SUPER happy! Why oh why must she become obsessed with the MOST boring books?! Yes I read them to her anyway, but seriously. I don't know how I'm going to read that poem book or color book one more time without pulling my hair out. I even pulled the "You Read to Me" trick, but the problem is that she too has the book memorized, so it doesn't get any better.

#6. While typing this post, I also listened to Jon try and explain to Harper that November is both Thanksgiving month AND deer hunting month. Two equally important holidays, oh my. She then proceeded to tell him that her cousin Nathan already told her all about deer hunting month.

The best part? I get to do it all over again tomorrow.