Lots has been going down in the Binkley household. Most recently Elliette has started potty training. This will be another blog post entirely hopefully later this week, but let's just say it's been "messy" around here. The little stinker can't keep her diaper on to save her life!! We purchased a new potty which has big pink princess crowns and makes all kinds of royal noises when she does her business, but I promise to update on Potty Training later.
Harper is ready for another year of Pre-K, but I'm super sad to say this is our LAST official preschool year. My baby girl will be 5 in December. That's just crazy! She's so bored with me at home, poor thing. She's so excited to get back to a routine and her classroom. Her only grumble is that she won't be able to wear her swimsuit/dress/sandals combination that's been her summer wardrobe staple. She'll get over it I'm sure.
Most importantly we have some big news to share with everyone. We were quite shocked to find out that our family is expanding by one more. Yep, re-read that sentence again. We are pregnant. Pretty crazy right? I thought so too. We were quite shocked. It's no secret to our friends and family that to get pregnant with BOTH of our girls, we had some kind of medical intervention/fertility. I am no stranger to the road of infertility so I know it's a HUGE blessing to be able to do this on our own. I am very thankful for the blessing we've been given, but I would be lying if I said I felt like celebrating! 10 weeks later I have adjusted to our new reality and I'm beginning to get excited.
The good news -- our current OBGYN is choosing to not send us to the high risk doctor at the moment (another blessing!). She said my issues do not cause any harm to the baby, so there is no need to see a high risk doc. We will simply take this one day at a time and if pain/nausea meds are needed we will get those. She said worse case scenario, we'll hospitalize and give nutrition via IV until it's safe for baby to be here. We are praying it doesn't come to that. So far - I feel pretty good. I'm convinced this unexpected miracle is another girl (I feel the exactly the same way I did with both Harper and Ellie). But only time will tell. Baby B#3 is due Feb. 20.
Harper is beyond excited, I'll leave you with a little snippet of her finding out we are indeed pregnant. Enjoy.