Saturday, February 9, 2013

Winter Blues

I love cold weather. I know I'm strange, but I really love sweaters, snow, winter coats, scarves, Christmas, Valentine's Day, hot food, and of course snow days. If you were to ask me what my favorite season was, the answer would probably be fall, but winter comes a close second. 

This winter however, is for the birds! My girls are NEVER sick, seriously. NEVER. However, this winter we've been hit like a freight train, it's awful! I'm not sure if it's new germs from my school or Harper's but it's awful. To top it off - we haven't had a snow day yet! 

This last week was very rough. Harper got some sort of viral infection that cause the poor baby to have 100-101 fever for just over 8 days. Her little mouth was covered in blisters by the week's end. We are praying, crossing our fingers, holding our breath, and even knocking on wood that Elliette won't get it. To top it all off, it was parent teacher conference week. To my teaching friends, you need no further explanation. For my non teaching friends, let's just leave it at super. long. week

Suffice it to say I can't WAIT for spring to be here. Bring on the bright colors and sunshine, and if I wanted to get really excited - SUMMER break! 

Our excitement this winter? Jon and I are heading to Vegas to celebrate turning 30 this year. We're excited to get an extended weekend away, and to get to hang with some great friends who are meeting us there. Until then... 6 weeks until Spring Break!!