Monday, October 1, 2012

Parental Nightmare

This blog post is not for the faint of heart. In fact, if you don't have children, you should probably stop reading now. If you have continued reading even if you don't have kids, this is your final warning. You will probably think I'm disgusting and even hear yourself uttering the words "why is she blogging about this?"

Jon and I have a parental nightmare on our hands. Our dear, sweet, tubby, giggling little Elliette is a -- wait for it -- night pooper. Yep, you read that correctly she is a night pooper! Why is this a parental nightmare do you ask? Well let me tell you. It all should be prefaced by stating that our dear, sweet, tubby, giggling Harper woke up every morning from the time she started sleeping through the night dry as a bone! She would quickly fill her diaper after waking up (which is why cheap diapers never worked for her), but I digress. When Harper was in the middle of potty training I was getting frustrated at her inability to EVER go #2 on the potty. So we started reading blog after blog. Jon stumbled upon a parent sounding board in which a parent was venting about the problems their toddler was having pooping in the middle of the night and not waking them up! They would wake up the next morning finding little "treasures" in their son's closet. Can you even imagine??  Well a few months ago our little Elli started  pooping in the middle of the night. She doesn't wake up, she sleeps right through it and it's a disgusting, sticky mess by the time we realize what's happened the next morning. I'm freaking out that this will continue after two and potty training will take on a whole new nightmarish meaning!

If you made it this far - you must be parent - and I hope you are laughing. At this point, what else do you do?