Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

I know the picture is old, but my camera hasn't made it to the computer in a while.

God always has a way of humbling us doesn't he? When you think life doesn't get any worse OR you're simply on cloud 9 he always finds a way of showing you the opposite. At this time of year everyone is encouraged to stop and reflect on what we're thankful for. I will say in the last few weeks my abdominal pain has returned (let's just take a moment for a collective sigh...). I'm frustrated beyond belief and was extremely discouraged when my doctor in St. Louis put me on a 30g of fat per day diet 3 days before Thanksgiving. REALLY?!?

Then, just as my misery was all but missing a friend, I hop on Facebook to see a dear friend who has been fighting stage 4 cancer has taken a turn for the worse. Nick has been fighting cancer for the last few years and he is giving it everything his 27 year old body can give. This week he was placed in ICU and is not looking so hot. His facebook page has been flooded (literally flooded) with kind, encouraging words to help not only his spirits, but his family's as well. Yes, I felt so humbled by the thought that my 30g of fat rule on Thanksgiving was indeed something to be thankful for.

So with a heavy heart for a dear friend (and his family) I can honestly say that today I am thankful for my two beautiful and healthy girls, my adoring and ever patient husband, my loving and understanding family, and yes my health.

May each of you find yourselves humbled for the true blessings we have in life. I wish each of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wholeheartedly Inspired

This summer a dear friend of mine asked me to attend a Women of Faith Conference with her in the fall. This dear friend has had an extremely difficult year and I believe her words to me were "I think this conference would do my heart some good". Wanting to be supportive, but also knowing I should do more to become a "Woman of Faith" I wholeheartedly agreed.

What I wasn't prepared for was the tremendous experience I had! I was laughing, I was crying and most importantly I discovered just how "empty" my cup had been. If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these conferences, please do! It's amazing what 24 hours can do for the soul. In case you never do, here is what I received this weekend:
Andy Andrews is my new hero (I did finish his book Traveler's Gift last night and loved every last page) and his decisions for success helped change my perspective. Patsy Clairmont is a pint size ball of laughter and she revealed that our "Stained Glass" hearts are beautiful and not to be hidden. Mandisa's song "Broken Hallelujah" is my new favorite prayer. I had no idea Brenda Warner could be so inspiring, and I appreciated how openly she spoke.

Jill - thank you so much for asking me to go. My heart was more touched this weekend, than it has been in a long time, and I have you to thank for getting me there. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

I am the head and not the tail
I'm from above and not below
I will find favor with God and man
I was created in the image of God to do good things
and love people
-Brenda Warner