Saturday, July 9, 2011


I feel like time is moving so quickly, I just can't keep up! My time at home with the girls is dwindling, and I'll be honest in saying I'm heartbroken. When my maternity leave ended with Harper I was so ready to get back to work. This time, I just keep dreading it! Not that I didn't love staying home with Harper, but I think I know what to expect this time. The small guilt level that comes with being a teacher. You spend 90% of your day and 100% of your patience with someone else's child. It just makes you miss the small things you miss with your own. I don't think I could be a stay at home mom. I need a sense of purpose, but I do miss the quiet small times I've had with my girls this summer. Especially the naps and cuddling we've done.

My "health" has a light at the end of an ever long tunnel. When I last saw my general surgeon, she wanted me to see a gastroenterologist. Just making sure she didn't overlook something, a new set of eyes. The one she wanted me to see couldn't see me until mid August (my last appointment with her was at the end of June). In the mean time, my pain started to get worse. My wonderful family pulled their resources and got me into a doctor in the St. Louis area. I saw her last week. Her conclusion was that the sphincter between the gallbladder and the small bowel, spasms. They don't know what causes it, but there is a surgical stint they can place in there to relax the muscle, and prevent it from causing pain. Patients with this condition present just like they have gall bladder disease. You have no idea the relief I felt knowing that someone out there knew where the pain was coming from, and more importantly - knew how to STOP it.

Jon and I are so thankful this crazy year is kinda calming down. I can't begin to express to you what a great daddy he is. I know why God gave him two little girls. He has the best heart of any man I know. I've been greatly reminded this year of what a great choice I made (ha!). He has been steadfast, patient, caring, and most of all the loving man I fell in love with many years ago. I don't brag on him nearly enough.

This next week(end) we are helping family/friends celebrate Brent and Diane's nuptials! We are so excited! You must be familiar with that bible verse "what Kali hath joined together let no man put asunder" :-) I really had nothing to do with it, but I'll take matchmaking credit! I can't wait to watch Diane officially become family!!

Until then, I'm enjoying every last minute with my three favorite people Jon, Harper and Ellie.