Friday, August 6, 2010

Kissing Summer Goodbye!

What a summer it's been! I'm very sad to see my summer time leaving, but anxious (as always)
to get the school year started. Ever seen the movie "You've Got Mail"? The scene at the beginning when Meg Ryan's character lists all the things she loves about fall could be a personal monologue. I love Mizzou Football, shopping for school supplies, and painting pumpkins. It truly is my favorite season.

Since the storm we've had a lot of changes around here! I'm thankful to post that our roof has been replaced and our siding is virtually FINISHED! Yep, you read correctly, the home renovations are FINALLY coming to a close. I couldn't be MORE thankful. Here are some pictures to show our progress (at least with the outside)

The top picture was taken this spring, we were working on taking out the big flower bed in the front of the house. The bottom picture was taken today. We have to change the front door still, but we are making serious progress!!

Harper is loving sleeping in her new big girl bed, she also has a new infatuation with "Finding Nemo". Who knew an orange fish could capture her attention hour after hour? She is constantly asking for "MEEMO!" (which translates as Nemo). I can't even begin to express how nice it was to have quality time with her this summer. My focus is torn in so many directions during the school year, that I had such fun giving her my undivided attention for two solid months. It's crazy how much they change so quickly - (sleep deprivation must be setting in again because I'm resorting to cliches to express my feelings, ha!).

My surgery in July went really well. It was long (took 3.5 hours to get me in working order again!) and painful but the recovery was pretty short considering all the work. Jon and I are really settling in to our new little home.

So Au Revior Summer, I'll see you again in 9 months.